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Перевод: pervade speek pervade

распространяться; проникать; пропитывать; наполнять; наполнять собой; охватывать


  1. "From Casderigg brow, the fells of Newlands were admirably contrasted with the ancient road - Nothing is left root and branch is exterminated, and thus a few of the most lovely acres in the universe, have been despoiled for an exchange of corn and grass, while millions infinitely better fitted for the sustenance of man are almost wholly neglected. miserable patches of green and brown, which pervade the denuded area, and now startlingly salute the traveller, on his way from Keswick and Brow Top to the fort of Casderiggs."
  2. But the Romanian model of glorification went beyond the norms seen in Sub-Saharan Africa - not even Emperor Bokassa was able to make the cult of himself pervade every aspect of life in his country, as Ceauescu did.
  3. As the fire lights the JPT rises and a hum of gradually increasing pitch and volume begins to pervade the area.
  4. And does it not readily pervade all bodies?
  5. A feeling of care and freshness should pervade the house.
  6. A characteristic of the Kingdom is an attitude of forgiveness which further should pervade all our relationships.
  7. Have you noticed the chill and damp that pervade everywhere?
  8. Openness is a value that tends to pervade all the behavioural sciences.
  9. The themes that pervade this collection of stories have an appropriate gravity.
  10. The New Zealand-Australia coaching influence will pervade the Irish club scene this winter.
  11. Post-election elections pervade the House
  12. The analogizing of knowing to seeing may pervade the concrete experience of coming to know, in the mystic's vision flooded with light; or it may be explicit in parable, as in Plato's of mankind misled by illusory appearance as prisoners in a cave who see only the shadows on the wall.
  13. The notes of excitement and joy pervade the pages of the Acts of the Apostles.

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