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Перевод: peso speek peso



  1. A few months ago, Rudiger Dornbusch, a professor at MIT and a mentor of Mr Aspe, told Wall Street investors that a devaluation of the peso was inevitable.
  2. Rogelio Ramirez de la O, a Mexico City economist who was ridiculed by the government last year for predicting so large a deficit, now says that a big peso devaluation (of perhaps 15%) is four months off.
  3. Mexico's peso
  4. Whatever the buying power of the greenback elsewhere, to Lloyds Bank in London it is about as useful as a Russian rouble, an Indian rupee or a Mexican peso.
  5. To their shame, many tourists fired up by the prospect of making a fast rupee, dirham or peso are prepared to haggle for everything, ranging from the price of a cup of tea to an airline ticket.
  6. There is (intentionally) no proper derivatives market that allows the peso to be sold short.
  7. If they persist, the peso looks safer.
  8. Peso bears could therefore push against the exchange rate only by liquidating their long positions.
  9. Nor do the home-based banks have any interest in seeing the peso collapse.
  10. The Bank of Mexico is confident that it can see off any speculative attack on the peso.
  11. Foreign investors are beginning to worry that the Mexican peso is less solid than it looks.
  12. The peso, strong for so long under the IMF's high real interest rates, has begun to slip, from 25 to the dollar throughout 1992 to 27 now.
  13. Rightly, the central bank argues that cheapening the peso would do nothing to enhance Mexican competitiveness, since it would feed through swiftly into inflation.

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