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Перевод: pessimism speek pessimism



  1. In other ways, too, the early nineteen thirties marked a period of hesitancy and some pessimism within the District both over its future growth and even its survival.
  2. This reinforced both a legalistic approach, conscious of conflicts of interest, and pessimism about the results of welfare-orientated admissions to care.
  3. Their pessimism comes amid estimates that cereal production could reach almost 190m tonnes by the end of the '90s unless action is taken, warns the European Commission, following forecasts drawn up by officials in Brussels.
  4. I think we should see this pessimism as a direct result of adopting the representational theory of the mind.
  5. The miners' strike failed to evolve into a veritable civil war (although, beneath the veneer of the tabloid media, it was getting pretty close) and a wave of pessimism was matched only by the resolve of the hardline few.
  6. Having him there at the beginning was simply a stroke of luck so colossal that Henry's natural pessimism was trying to turn it into a disaster.
  7. The perception of conflicts of interest, concern about lack of planning and "drift" and - above all - pessimism about the outcomes of admissions to care, all changed the basis of practice.
  8. Pessimism is her distinguishing trait: she worries about many aspects of her work.
  9. The discharges from its nuclear stations into the air and the sea were very strictly controlled, the effects on the environment were regularly monitored (not only by the Board but by the Agriculture and Environment Ministries) and the estimates of radiation doses received by the most "exposed" people - living or working near the sites - were made "with considerable pessimism".
  10. And you must understand: to appreciate the pessimism I feel today you would need to have been present when I formed the optimism.,
  11. We reject her pessimism.
  12. Already in November 1941, the SD was reporting "disappointment that the final smashing of Bolshevism is not taking place as rapidly as hoped and that no end of the eastern campaign is in sight", a dampening of optimism at the news of the first falls of snow and the feeling that further advancement might be extremely difficult, puzzlement at the failure to advance further when the Russian troops were allegedly so poor and so badly equipped, concern at the reports of continued tough resistance of the Soviet army, and pessimism that "the way to the Urals was still a long one, and the partisan war could still last a good while".
  13. There is yet one further stage of insight - and of pessimism - which awaits the student.

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