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Перевод: pessimist speek pessimist



  1. Would you describe yourself as a pessimist?
  2. "But that guy's a pessimist, a fuckin' nihilist."
  3. "Pessimist."
  4. Some of these, such as gill and skin flukes, can be medicated, but there are others that not even the world's greatest pessimist would credit.
  5. You must have heard the old story about the bucket of water; when it was shown to the optimist he described it as being "half full" while the pessimist said that it was "half empty".
  6. In 1988 Eyre directed various Chekhov pieces under the title of The Sneeze at the Aldwych, and that same year he again joined forces with Alec Guinness, who played the tired cynical pessimist Botvinnik in Lee Blessing's A Walk in the Woods at the Comedy Theatre.
  7. Gorse : Extreme hopeless - pessimist - "Oh, what's the use?"
  8. Tacitus regarded Christianity as one more contemptible superstition, to the pessimist additional evidence of the sad capacity of human beings to believe strange things.
  9. Deep down my wife thinks that I'm a pessimist, bad-tempered all the time - which I am when work isn't going well.
  10. Mr Smith - a pessimist - starts to worry in case it rains, the car breaks down, they are plagued by insects or one of the children gets lost.
  11. Then surprisingly: "Don't think I'm a pessimist, I'm not.
  12. Opposing traits in his make-up were already evident during his last year at school, when he was voted both class optimist and class pessimist, though, at that time, he had yet to appreciate certain complexities of character on which he would draw for his screen creations.
  13. I'm optimistic - a pessimist could never support Arsenal!"

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