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Перевод: pharmaceutical speek pharmaceutical

фармацевтический; аптекарский


  1. Major chemical and pharmaceutical firms standardising on the Windows environment have decided to adopt ChemWindow as a company standard and Cherwell Scientific offers exceptional and flexible licencing arrangements to companies who wish to network our packages.
  2. Details from Swedish Academy Pharmaceutical Sciences
  3. By sector, pharmaceutical sales were up 4 per cent to 2470m, while trading profits in the sector rose 13 per cent to 694m.
  4. Meanwhile Florey was, as he called it, "carpetbagging" around American pharmaceutical businesses with varying success.
  5. Two recent attempts to invoke the EEC competition rules before the English courts were: Shearson Lehman's attempt to prevent the London Metal Exchange fixing a closing-out price for tin contracts in existence as the time of the collapse of the tin market; and Macarthy PLC's attempt to obtain an injunction restraining a share allocation and discount scheme introduced by a pharmaceutical wholesaler, which it alleged distorted competition.
  6. The Abortion Pill, RU 486, developed by the French based pharmaceutical company Roussel Uclaf, could be introduced onto the British market in spring of this year.
  7. Sweden's state-owned pharmaceutical and food group, Procordia, is facing increased uncertainty following a recent merger proposal from Volvo, the vehicle group.
  8. M-Scan specialises in using MS to solve problems in biochemical, pharmaceutical, environmental, petroleum and chemical areas.
  9. A pharmaceutical ride
  10. This will embrace applied (including pharmaceutical and food chemistry) as well as mainstream organic chemistry up to degree level.
  11. The toxicity of some drugs has brought the status of the pharmaceutical industry to its lowest ebb yet, and has been partly responsible for a virtual stampede away from chemists towards health shops.
  12. She didn't think to question the treatment her doctors advocated - as a research biochemist who had worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years, the benefits of modern medicine had been instilled in her.
  13. A mass of evidence follows, most of it from sound medical sources, that the medical profession has become hopelessly hooked on prescription drugs; that the drugs are neither so effective nor so safe as our doctors would have us believe; and that the public and the profession is being remorselessly taken for a ride by the pharmaceutical industry.

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