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Перевод: pharmacological speek pharmacological



  1. Many substances of vegetable origin have profound pharmacological effects on animal cells and tissues.
  2. In April 1957, when what remained of the work was being cleared up, some specimens which had been laid by to crystallize were found to have done so, and so they were sent for pharmacological investigation.
  3. But tonics and "restoratives are at the bottom of the pile both in terms of their status as pharmacological entities and in terms of research.
  4. This unlikely concoction was one of the more important pharmacological advances in the history of medicine, albeit for the wrong reasons.
  5. The results obtained so far suggest that shape-specific long-chain water polymers could be the something which produces the physiological and pharmacological effects which homoeopathic potencies exert on living systems.
  6. While this is so, it is still the case that by no means all hospitals or doctors are yet educated in the pharmacological and other management of the terminally ill, and large numbers of patients outside hospices and centres of excellence may well, by virtue of their condition, continue to pose the problem of euthanasia.
  7. There are some 120 published clinical studies on procaine, yet rarely has pharmacological research been blessed with such endless bickering between opposing camps.
  8. Somewhere in the corner of the vast pile of pharmacological agents available to us, is an obscure bundle of miscellaneous substances labelled "tonics".
  9. It has potential applications in general metabolic studies, pharmacological studies and pharmacokinetics.
  10. But in the past 10 years physiological and pharmacological laboratories around the world have done a lot of research on acupuncture.
  11. The classic text by Louis Goodman and Alfred Gilman ( Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics ) states that strychnine has no therapeutic value whatsoever despite "a long period of unwarranted popularity".
  12. Pharmacological studies also indicate that these two forms of complementary therapy act through different pathways.
  13. So it received a full pharmacological and toxicological examination.
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