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Перевод: pharmacy speek pharmacy

фармация ; аптека


  1. An application to set up a pharmacy in the village, which would threaten the services offered by GPs in Four Marks and Ropley, had been turned down, but was due to go to appeal.
  2. The pharmacy car was sub-divided into treatment room, pharmacy, office, linen stores, etc, and was fitted with all necessary requirements, such as cupboards, shelves for drugs, medicines, bandages, and utensils.
  3. I personally use The Helios Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells (tel. 0892 537254) since the pharmacist is John Tomlinson whose article Dose, Dilution and the LM Potencies demonstrates his understanding of the preparation procedures.
  4. If the symptoms of a latent miasmatic state appear, the remedy should be changed suitably and if a nosode is chosen then the centesimal scale will have to be used as except for Bacillunum these are not available in fifty millesimal form (the Helios Pharmacy now has most nosodes available as LM's).
  5. 6.4 Italian maiolica pharmacy bottle of "Orsini-Colonna" style showing a bear hugging a column (MLA 1852.11-;29.2).
  6. It helps if there is a little local parade of shops that covers everything - butchers, bakers, grocers, greengrocers, in particular a pharmacy, newsagents, doctor's surgery and post office.
  7. The pharmacy car contained treatment rooms equipped with operating table, and a pharmacy compartment with fittings for bottles and all necessary medical appliances.
  8. There is a proposal to turn part of the building into a museum of pharmacy; at the moment it still functions partially as a hospital.
  9. They were made up of one pharmacy car, one staff car, one personnel car, two kitchen cars, one mess room car, one stores car, one break car with wards for infectious cases, and ten ward cars.
  10. John Tomlinson LCH MRPharmS is the founder and director of the Helios Homopathic Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells where he also practises .
  11. If you start using large quantities of alcohol it can be purchased in 10 litre amounts (min. order) from Hayman Ltd, Witham, Essex (tel. 0376 517 517) at about one third of the pharmacy price.
  12. Pharmacy chain Macarthy has dropped attempts to have a sales promotion scheme by drugs retailer UniChem declared illegal.
  13. Lectures should also be read to students on botany and pharmacy, and on natural philosophy and chemistry
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