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Перевод: phenotype speek phenotype



  1. The instrument with which we shall purge our minds is the idea that I call the extended phenotype.
  2. Mutations in several Pax genes lead to severe developmental abnormalities: (1) a mutation in the paired box of murine Pax-1 leads to the undulated phenotype which exhibits distortions of the vertebral column; (2) a mutation in the Pax-6 gene leads to the semidominant Small eye phenotype in mouse and a mutation in the putative human homologue of this gene may be responsible for the aniridia disorder; (3) mutations in the putative human homologue to Pax-3 ( HuP2 ) occasionally lead to hearing loss associated with Waardenburg's syndrome, whereas in mouse a deletion in Pax-3 causes the splotch phenotype which is associated with spina bifida, exencephaly, a tail flexion defect and deficiencies in neural crest cell derivatives.
  3. Dozens of gene families have been described with precise effects on the phenotype of organisms.
  4. This leads to what I have called the Central Theorem of the Extended Phenotype: An animal's behaviour tends to maximise the survival of the genes "for" that behaviour, whether or not those genes happen to be in the body of the particular animal performing it .
  5. But the doctrine of the extended phenotype has taught us that it needn't have been so.
  6. In the world of the extended phenotype, ask not how an animal's behaviour benefits its genes; ask instead whose genes it is benefiting.
  7. The Extended Phenotype is a long book and its argument cannot easily be crammed into one chapter.
  8. But the change in phenotype would be gradual and concurrent in all individuals; the genetic variation and differences in fitness between individuals in the population would be kept to a minimum.
  9. Let me end with a brief manifesto, a summary of the entire selfish gene/extended phenotype view of life.
  10. In The Extended Phenotype I attempt to work out an answer to this difficult problem.
  11. The unit of selection is the individual phenotype: this, however, implies that the ultimate unit of selection is the gene that contributes successful traits.
  12. If the change in phenotype is deleterious and selection acts against it, then many individuals would suffer the same fate.
  13. The distinction between genotype and phenotype reflects a division of labour between nucleic acids and proteins.
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