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Перевод: phenyl speek phenyl



  1. Olah, however, managed to perform Friedel-Crafts reactions on these polychlorinated fullerenes, which showed that at least 22 phenyl groups had been substituted.
  2. Thus it is believed that polystyrene forms miscible blends with poly (vinyl methylether), and with poly (phenylene oxide) s (examples 1 and 2, respectively) because of interactions between the -electrons of the phenyl rings and the lone pairs of the ether oxygens.
  3. Abbreviations: WT, wild type; Ph, phenyl; M, p-methoxyphenyl.
  4. Examination of the polymer structures suggests that the relaxation in the glass could involve libration of the phenyl ring, motion of the oxycarbonyl unit or rearrangement of the (-O-C-C-O-) unit.
  5. The transitions occurring at lower temperatures (transitions are commonly labelled , , -, and so on, starting at the highest temperature) have been assigned to the freezing-in of specific parts of the main or subsidiary chains such as the pendant phenyl groups in the polymer.
  6. Only the phenyl derivative has so far been studied as a ligand.
  7. This suggests that the group undergoing relaxation is associated with a dipole moment and thus rules out the phenyl ring libration as a likely process.
  8. Chocolate contains several amounts of caffeine and related compounds called methyl xanthines, and a further mood-stimulating substance, beta phenyl ethylamine.

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