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Перевод: phial speek phial

склянка ; пузырек ; фиал


  1. I dissolved a grain of soda in half an ounce of water mixed with alcohol in a phial, which was thereby filled two-thirds full, and shook this solution continuously for half an hour, and this fluid was in potency and energy equal to the thirtieth development of power ."
  2. Clutching the phial of thallium in his pocket he got back into the car.
  3. Before he could stop her, she had poured the contents of a small phial into her ale, consumed it, and almost immediately fallen to the floor.
  4. The miracle has been performed by the Archbishop of Naples since 1389 when the phial mysteriously first appeared.
  5. I'd been yo-yoing up and down a rollercoaster for the best part of an hour and I was still hung over from the phial of "Renshenfengwangjiang" - a potent blend of panax ginseng and royal bee jelly - that Michael Willis had persuaded me to drink for breakfast.
  6. In the 5th edition we find the following footnote to 270: " In order to maintain a fixed and measured standard for developing the power of liquid medicines, multiplied experience and careful observation have led me to adopt two succussions for each phial, in preference to the greater number formerly employed (by which the medicines were too highly potentized).
  7. I endeavoured to paint a picture of this scene, but again and again legions of midges drove me from the spot: I got a phial of essence supposed to keep them away, but alas! in vain.
  8. On the saint's two feast days, in May and September, the phial is shown to the public and handled by the Archbishop, whereupon the congealed blood liquefies .
  9. Sadly the real contents of the phial will have to remain a mystery as the Roman Catholic church adamantly refuses to open the phial for scientific investigation, but as the Archbishop performed the rite last year and said " no chemist has yet been able to reproduce this phenomenon", the Italian chemists were chuckling.
  10. Cy reached inside his jacket pocket and took out a phial of pills.
  11. In a recent letter to Nature (1991, 354 , 114) three Italian scientists claimed that thixotropy, a property of certain gels to become liquid on the application of some external force, could account for the "congealed blood" becoming liquid as the Archbishop agitates the phial.
  12. At regular intervals each year thousands of worshippers flock to Naples Cathedral to witness the "miracle" of the liquefaction of a small phial of blood purportedly from Saint Januarius, martyred by the Romans in 305.

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