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Перевод: philanderer speek philanderer

волокита ; донжуан ; бабник


  1. Then like a fool he had spoken of Maud, and Sarah had seen him as nothing more than a philanderer.
  2. Mr "Spike" Milligan, the manic depressive, is a man of many parts - the latest of which to be revealed is that of philanderer.
  3. REVOLUTION, literature and love, and the roads and side-roads which join them together, are concerns which join together the Czech writers Milan Kundera and Ivan Klima, whose name is used by Kundera for the uxorious philanderer of his novel The Farewell Party .
  4. He was the biggest philanderer in Oxford."
  5. We are in the middle of a small Shaw revival, with recent productions of Caesar and Cleopatra, The Philanderer , and now Heartbreak House at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, and Pygmalion at the National Theatre.
  6. "But once he told me that he wasn't about to change and that he was likely to be a lifetime philanderer, I saw red and thought, "Screw you!
  7. I was a fool to myself; everyone warned me he was a philanderer."
  8. Dawkins's description of female "coy" and "fast" genes, and male "faithful" and "philanderer" genes, is a clear example (1978: 162).
  9. Each was a romantic saga in miniature and each had the same basic plot: in a variety of vaguely 1930s settings, James played a wealthy philanderer who appeared to have a fetish about tea since the common feature of the married women he pursued was their taste for Trumper's Tea Bags.
  10. Looking at Philip Swallow now, as he seats himself in a low, upholstered chair facing her, Robyn has difficulty in recognizing the jet-set philanderer of Rupert Sutcliffe's description.
  11. After two harpoons had been stuck into him - one marked "philanderer", one marked "draft-dodger" - he swam bleeding through the Democratic primaries of February and March.
  12. To Branson's irritation, McLaren prevaricated as long as possible, affecting the disinterest of an ingnue being courted by a philanderer.
  13. "Do you imagine, for one moment, that I have any intention of spending the weekend with a playboy like you - a philanderer who drifts with the tide, takes opportunities where they come?

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