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Перевод: phonetician speek phonetician



  1. Just as the phonetician may wish to make a more detailed, more specific description of the b under consideration, for example mentioning delayed onset of voicing and some protrusion of the lips during the period of closure, so may the ethnographer wish to specify some of the contextual features in great detail.
  2. My knowledge of programming is limited to BBC Basic - I am a phonetician by training, but I learnt the basics of programming on a staff development course and then taught myself, using the Manual and advice from staff in the IT centre.
  3. Just as a phonetician may select, from the general phonetic features available, the features voiced, bilabial and stop, but not lateral, to characterise a b, so, he suggests, the analyst may choose from the contextual features, those necessary to characterise a particular communicative event.
  4. Phonemic transcriptions were made by a trained phonetician of the 80 sentences listed in Appendix 1.
  5. There is real passion and pain in her bruising confrontation with Higgins after the embassy ball, and Alan Howard provides an equally fine performance as the irascible phonetician.
  6. , , or , Francis (1619-;1694), phonetician, and inventor of a universal language and a Dutch shorthand, was baptized in the Dutch church in London 8 August 1619.
  7. He was also a superb phonetician, and a master of mimicry, a technique which he used to the full as a raconteur.
  8. Nearly a hundred years ago, the phonetician Henry Sweet (the model for Shaw's Professor Higgins in Pygmalion ) parodied the kind of monstrosity produced for translation exercises:
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