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Перевод: picot speek picot



  1. Julio Eduardo Rueda Rocha, chief suspect in the murder of the Liberal Party (PL) presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galn Sarmiento in August 1989 see p. 36844, had escaped with ease from the La Picot penitentiary in Bogot on Sept. 19, bribery being suspected.
  2. Another idea, suggested by Nic Picot, is that you say that you are going to predict under which of five cups the audience is going to leave a coin.
  3. Picot edge neckband
  4. Mr Derek Picot and Mrs Suzanne Goodhew received the guests in the attractive Trianon Room.
  5. This is another of Nic Picot's tricks which he tried on me in the pub outside the Magic Circle.
  6. Some of the foregoing have survived to the present day - Pyneford (Pineford), Langlay (Langley), North, le Bret (Bret and Brett), whose meanings are obvious, Piket (Picot, Pykett, Piggott, etc., from the Old French personal name Pic ), Bekeford (Beckford, from the Middle English bekke = brook, and ford), de Reyney (Rainey, etc., perhaps from Regny in the Loire), Keneman (Kinman, from cyna = cow, and mann , thus a herdsman).
  7. The range features cut and tasselled fringes; small and large tiebacks; plain and flanged ropes; picot braids and fan edging; bullion and rosettes.

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