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Перевод: pidgin speek pidgin



  1. Knowing that he would speak a little pidgin English, I said to him, "You trust me, yes?
  2. Unlike John Lilly, who created a computer-generated pidgin language for communication between dolphin and human, Earthtrust's project is establishing an open-ended tool for exploring and demonstrating dolphin intelligence and creativity.
  3. The island community Nichols studied traditionally spoke Gullah, a creole variety developed from the African/English pidgin of early slave plantations.
  4. More interestingly, there are terms which are used in everyday English, but which have more precise meanings or quite different connotations in technical discussion, e.g.: language, accent, dialect, pidgin, creole, non-standard .
  5. When I asked how he communicated with Bengali patients who spoke no English he said "I have no trouble in communicating with them because I learned pidgin English in the army."
  6. In Necromunda pidgin, with a guttural accent, the giant growled, "Test him for me.
  7. In Cameroon pidgin, for example, josnau (a derivative from "just now") is a marker of the present progressive and nau nau a marker of the present perfect denoting the immediate past as in:
  8. Similarly, in Melanesian pidgin, the grammatical function of possession is signalled by a derived form from the lexical item belong as in:
  9. Papert said that people at MIT considered it was "as unacceptable for children to enter the computer culture by learning computer languages, such as BASIC as it would be to confine their reading of English poetry to pidgin English translations".
  10. 27 where she is referred to as as Mary) to develop her own peculiar brand of pidgin Italian, of which she is very proud.
  11. Gradually, however, we evolved a pidgin language based on English, German and the telepathy of tone.
  12. "You'll get used to the pidgin, by the way.
  13. Charlie rejoins the shouted conversation in pidgin French and Lingala.

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