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Перевод: pig speek pig

свинья ; хрюшка ; молодая свинья; полицейский ; подсвинок ; поросенок ; поросятина ; свинина ; нахал ; неряха ; грязнуля ; долька ; ломтик ; мент [жарг.] ; болванка ; чушка ; брусок ; аэростат заграждения;
есть с жадностью; пороситься


  1. Mrs Sherwood, Randy's and Merlin's mother, divorced, with a Brazilian lover, and too glamorous for words in a peach suede suit, was talking to Kevin Coley, who looked like a pig with a thatched, blond tea cosy on its head.
  2. Traditionally, Irish farmers have been blamed - justly - for their easy-going disposal of gross pollutants such as pig slurry and creamery wastes.
  3. Electric furnaces smelt the pig iron, together with much scrap metal.
  4. "Listen," said the pig, "for you it's just an offering - for me it's a real sacrifice".
  5. To this end we asked Martin Beckett our regional pig adviser from ADAS to look into the alternatives.
  6. New pig and poultry farms are banned and grassland applications are limited.
  7. This year their new year's dinner was not the traditional pig, but 12 ounces of frozen chicken a head and three bottles of rum to a family.
  8. So I had to come as well or be the perfect Male Chauvinist Pig.
  9. Also much pig iron is sent to Sheffield.
  10. Pigs are good because with one along there is no need to bring a toilet and on the last night the pig can be eaten.
  11. "You gave away our pig bucket," queried Den.
  12. A human baby is a guinea pig?"
  13. Occasionally she was caught for a fraction of a second with images of a pig's cot wall with a black cat on it or a square stone chapel silhouetted in Sunday dusk, but these were inconsequential visitations, debris from the past uncovered by the rhythms of a particular song or the set and angle of a passing face, a passing mood.

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