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Перевод: pill speek pill

пилюля ; таблетка ; противозачаточная таблетка; ядро; пуля ; шарик ; мяч ; баллотировочный шар; бильярд ; неприятный человек;
давать пилюли; забаллотировать; обставить; грабить; обобрать; мародерствовать


  1. Medical reports exist that show a woman being taken off the pill by her doctor after complaining of a rattling in her chest whenever she coughed.
  2. Exactly how the Pill produces this effect is unknown - the simplistic explanation usually offered is that the hormones in the Pill promote Candida because they are steroids, but this is really no explanation at all.
  3. This may explain why candidiasis is so much more common in women generally, as well as showing how the Pill might influence candidiasis.
  4. In spite of the pill he kept waking and hearing the old men around him coughing or mumbling in their sleep.
  5. The pill
  6. The pill was all the more bitter for Woosnam because he had begun so well.
  7. But are the pill and potion merchants the right, proper and natural sources of guidance and advice?
  8. "You thought I was on the pill, of course, that's why you never used a sheath or anything.
  9. "poison pill" tactics
  10. The role of the Pill is slightly less obvious, but the statistics show that the Pill increases the risk of Candida overgrowth for women.
  11. how the Pill gives her Headaches,
  12. Ideally the mouth should be clean with no flavours, food or drink for 10 or 15 minutes before or after taking the pill.
  13. They also believe that too much sugar in the diet, and the use of the contraceptive Pill have contributed to the problem.

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