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Перевод: pinkish speek pinkish



  1. A cold wind swept through the clearing and a few pinkish clouds passed out of sight.
  2. The pinkish, dusty core of the tree that remains turns to reddish-brown, then in the following year becomes grey and crusty, and gradually begins to regenerate its corky bark.
  3. I stared at a huge rectangle of light, it was pinkish floating flickering and suddenly I saw a pig!
  4. Grolux tubes are great for promoting plant growth, but they do give everything a pinkish tinge.
  5. It was designed by Sir Albert Richardson ("the last of the Georgians,) in 1955 - 59 and in style and use of materials - pinkish brick, reflecting the pages of the FT , bronze window and door frames, and copper cornicing and roof - it was a clear rejection of the Modern movement of the time.
  6. He had watched it in early May, as the tiny breaking leaves spread a pinkish haze over the magnificent skeleton.
  7. This urn containing tulips has been aged with pinkish tones, while its base colour echoes that of the grape hyacinths.
  8. The evergreen Viburnum tinus "Gwenllian" has white flowers with pinkish buds from late winter.
  9. There were no eyes - no features - just a pinkish head that seemed swollen, bloated.
  10. The muzzle itself is pinkish grey and fairly broad, the ears quite large and the high-set eyes prominent with a docile expression.
  11. It is built in two colours of brick, pinkish red and slate blue, and is richly embellished with urns and quoin stones.
  12. The sky was a murky, pinkish grey; clouds swirled across it exposing higher, greyer banks of cloud.
  13. Jean-Paul's eyes were pinkish and glazed; his colour had risen; his immaculate white clothes already looked crumpled.

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