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Перевод: pitchblende speek pitchblende

уранинит ; смоляная обманка; урановая смолка


  1. So he, he thought he'd do an experiment, er he took a small piece of radium which he'd extracted from several tons of pitchblende and he put this bit of radium on his forearm and, and put a bandage round to hold it in place and left it there for a week and said right I'll see what happens.
  2. Those illustrations were like admission to someone else's dreams - at times glowing with visionary fire, at others the pitchblende hallucinations of a tormented mind.
  3. The cliff contains pitchblende veins that have been sources of dissolved uranium.
  4. Veins of pitchblende in the cliff are the source of uranium in the flat floodplain deposits at the foot of the cliff.
  5. You, you, you've all hea heard of Marie Curie, famous erm scientist who pioneered a lot of the work on radioactivity in the early part of this century and the last part of the last century she in fact was Polish, lived in, in, in Paris, married a French man called Pierre er hence she's known as Marie Curie well Pierre Curie was also a scientist and he was er baffled by the affect that, th the fact that there didn't seem to be any biological affects er certainly the doses of radiation that, that they were, they were getting they'd handled tons and tons of pitchblende, that's radioactive ore they extracted several grammes of radium from it, they'd been handling stuff for years they weren't ill, they obviously hadn't died and so on.

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