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Перевод: pizzicato speek pizzicato



  1. The programme may include some or all of the following, Strauss Pizzicato Polka, Souza Stars and Stripes, Schubert Overture in B Flat, Davis Solemn Melody, Elgar Minuet, Vaughan Williams Household Music, Haydn Horn Signal Symphony, Bach Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring.
  2. Note the effect of the pizzicato chord for 1st violins and cellos at the beginning, and that the directions "arco, unis.", have not been omitted from the 1st violin part on its re-entrance.
  3. "Hopes And Fears", an ocean of strings (courtesy of The Reggae Philharmonic Orchestra), is set against the more pizzicato rhythms of "Self".
  4. The 2nd cellos sustain the bass, doubled by one desk of double basses pizzicato.
  5. The double basses have but one note to play, but we venture to think it an effective one; the dry thud of this high pizzicato note would appear to liberate the rush of the strings which immediately follows it.
  6. The double bass pizzicato provides the two bass notes in each bar, required by the original, and also supplies lightness, rhythm, and "spring" to the whole texture.
  7. Much of the orchestral playing was colourful and poetic, notably the horn-calls and pizzicato strings in Act II which call up nocturnal mystery and tension with such magical economy.
  8. The martellato in the left-hand part of the original is provided by pizzicato violas and cellos in unison doubled by the clarinets and later by the horns.
  9. A small ensemble of four viole da braccio plus continuo suggests the trot, canter, and gallop of Tancred's horse, the fall of night, the clash of swords, the fury of the combatants (by rapidly repeated chords, an instrumental effect which disconcerted the players although Biagio Marini had employed it seven years before), 2l and their infighting with sword-pommels, helmets, and shields (by another novel effect: pizzicato chords).
  10. Harp chords add great resonance to pizzicato strings.
  11. I can put up with missing pizzicato detailing at bar 383 of the first movement - one of Beethoven's happiest small orchestral fancies, beautifully brought out by Bhm and the VPO on DG - but the second violins' inaudibility as they pick up the shepherd's song of thanksgiving leaves a gruesome hole in the texture.
  12. Still further varieties and contrasts of tone are available by such mechanical means as the mute (sordino), plucking, (pizzicato), instead of bowing, the strings, ponticello tremolo in which a most eerie effect is produced by bowing the strings nearer to the bridge than the normal position, col legno in which the strings are struck with the back of the bow, giving a sound like the rattle of dry sticks, glissando, much used these days, etc.
  13. Pizzicato playing injects rhythmic lightness and clarity and this is useful especially for music in a modern dance-like or folk idiom.

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