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Перевод: puddle speek puddle

лужа ; лужица ; грязь ; беспорядок ; водонепроницаемая обмазка из глины с гравием для дна прудов; пудлинговая крица; ванна ;
месить глину; обкладывать смесью глины и гравия; трамбовать; мутить воду; грязнить; пачкать; марать; барахтаться; смущать; сбивать с толку; пудлинговать [метал.]


  1. Then he switched on the torch and splashed through the puddle in the concrete to the shed.
  2. From the air it looks exactly as if someone had poured a couple of bucketsful of molten glass on to the surface, forming a puddle which slowly oozed away.
  3. As he did so, the large puddle of perspiration which had accumulated around his body on the rubber sheet of the bed, slopped on to the floor.
  4. Miranda ran on, up Puddle Lane.
  5. When Miranda looked up Puddle Lane, she couldn't see anyone.
  6. Damn!" as I beat my fist in the warm puddle.
  7. But one well-placed Cabinet source did say privately that he would not put money on it; there was no such thing as an easy answer to current problems; and that ERM entry would be tantamount to jumping from "the puddle and into the pond".
  8. Today her eyes were as dull as a puddle.
  9. Miranda was just going to climb up the Magician's leg, when she heard a deep voice say, "What are you doing in Puddle Lane?
  10. If such a puddle is stirred gently, the swirling, winding folds produced look exactly like those in obsidian lavas.
  11. Miranda ran up Puddle Lane.

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