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Перевод: puppy speek puppy

щенок ; молодой тюлень; самодовольный фат; глупый юнец; молокосос


  1. This improvement in health could possibly be attributed to the novelty value of having a new puppy or kitten in the house.
  2. If the young adult dog or puppy sees the owner run screaming to the house in terror, it is not unreasonable to assume that the dog will quickly follow.
  3. Then there is the cute puppy syndrome.
  4. If the training starts at a young enough age, when the animal is still a puppy, it all comes naturally.
  5. "It's not a baby fox; it's a puppy!
  6. Puppy farms continue to thrive.
  7. At last week's advertising awards, the Esso tiger picked up the Best Animal trophy when to me it was obvious that the Andrex puppy was the better creature.
  8. Never feed the puppy before the family - this way he understands he is last in the pecking order.
  9. Critics, educationalists and sociologists tried in vain to explain the appeal of a show in which the birth of a puppy would rate as the event of the week.
  10. This stage is similar to the last, but the puppy is stronger and growing fast.
  11. The puppy is born blind; it sleeps and eats a great deal, gradually building up its size and strength.
  12. "I travelled down to Kent to stay with Donald, and he presented me with a cardboard box which contained this tiny puppy.
  13. The more the puppy is travel sick, the more it associates the car with a bad experience and the harder it is to break this association.

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