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Перевод: purposely speek purposely

с целью; преднамеренно; нарочно


  1. Apart from a very small number of older key texts, the literature I cite is purposely recent literature, which can of course always be used to track the historical contributions, if the reader so wishes.
  2. Since its task is to hold the vote together, by threat, bribe or flattery it is purposely chosen to give a political, social and geographical spread.
  3. If this continues to be unsuccessful then some travellers purposely "miss" the first sleep in their new time zone to make sure that they are tired on the second night.
  4. The CC purposely did not make detailed proposals for change, preferring to leave these for discussions with the appropriate government Ministries.
  5. Some people have a clear idea of the end picture, and choose their pieces purposely.
  6. Steel-casting companies in Spain which in Britain would have been bankrupted are continuing to offer steel-castings at artificially low prices, and indeed inefficient capacity and production is not only being maintained but is even being purposely created; while in France the producers of steel-castings are benefiting from soft loans from mostly state-owned banks.
  7. It turns out, I think, that he was being purposely more and more removed from us in order to retain whatever Tony DeFries's idea was of keeping business separate from pleasure.
  8. Sometimes I would purposely not pay attention to detail or to nothing."
  9. It was as though the clouds were not themselves mere vapour but impermeable sagging sacks, purposely constructed and hung to contain water.
  10. At 5.10 a.m., an officer purposely posted outside his lodgings heard an alarm go off.
  11. Reynolds was quite sure, however - excess of caution prevailing again - that he purposely kept the diversion memo out of North's hands.
  12. A cat may approach its human owner and purposely make a nuisance of itself in a way that it has learnt will cause anger.
  13. It is all obscure, not purposely either.

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