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Перевод: purvey speek purvey

снабжать; поставлять; быть поставщиком; заготовлять


  1. The Wordsworthian attitude of reverence for mountains had not yet appeared, and Wordsworth's two early poems, Descriptive Sketches and An Evening Walk , mainly purvey established eighteenth-century taste.
  2. One outcome of this is that there is not a single national daily or Sunday newspaper which supports any political position further left than the Right of the Labour Party, while the great majority of newspapers not only openly support the Conservative Party but also purvey a range of typically Right-wing attitudes which extend far beyond the relatively narrow confines of purely party politics.
  3. Religions purvey illusion that with enough effort and humility you can get to that elsewhere.
  4. They purvey their product (a relatively undifferentiated mass of news, information, ideas, entertainment and popular culture) to a rapidly expanding public, eventually the whole world.
  5. "What you purvey each morning."
  6. At this point, we move from these macro considerations to the micro-world of the individual decision maker, the eventual user of the information librarians and information scientists might purvey.
  7. Logic he could no doubt purvey in abundance, but of true feeling he was entirely bereft.
  8. She was becoming less interested in any tittle-tattle he might purvey that might help her with the case than in himself.
  9. The contrast between British Socialism, as then exemplified by trade unionism, and LEGA, could hardly be sharper; the first, insistent on its traditional and conservative role, the role dispensed for it in the Victorian era by evolving Capitalism - to purvey labour to employing capital; the second, looking towards a synthesis to accommodate and resolve the opposed interests contained in that dispensation, looking towards "the third way".

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