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Перевод: putty speek putty

порошок для шлифовки или полировки; мастика для шлифовки или полировки; смесь для шлифовки или полировки; шпатлевка ; оконная замазка;
замазывать замазкой; шпатлевать; шпаклевать


  1. A filling knife: Lots of simple repair jobs around the house involve the use of filler of one kind or another - patching cracks in plasterwork, filling holes and defects in wood, replacing old putty in window frames and so on.
  2. Until recent years, two iron breastshot wheels driven by the River Aire ran machinery here which ground chalk for making putty.
  3. Psychologically illiterate sales directors were putty in the hands of such experts in the unconscious mind, with their battery of mumbo-jumbo such as word-association lists, ink-blot tests, lie detectors and eye-blink counters, hypnosis and "depth" interviewing of housewives.
  4. In the opposite direction, above us and to the left, was a high serac-edged glacial wall with, far below it, a run-out - a broad, lethargic river the colour of putty.
  5. Manipulating a lump of putty from finger to finger, hand to hand, he looked as if he was auditioning for the lead role in The Caine Mutiny.
  6. As for Dad, he was as soft as putty.
  7. Once the metal is hot it is like putty.
  8. The mica dams dry out to form white plains, with a consistency of putty.
  9. Saturday came round, Dad arrived home complete with glass and putty, had his dinner, then proceeded to repair the window.
  10. The fortunes of formaldehyde are an example of how cold, hard science can turn to putty in the hands of public officials.
  11. The whole place smelled of putty and turpentine, and the crash had shaken down not only stars of glass, but also dust and grime.
  12. Once the birthplace of putty (no joke!),
  13. It is an essential part of the composition and, as George put it: "You don't want to end up with a cushion that resembles a lump of putty."

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