Перевод: qua
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- The political education of the African, qua African, was his first concern, and in his hands Indirect Rule became more genuinely the instrument of regeneration it was supposed to be.
- Thompson stressed that the sine qua non of future co-operation was that "no man's or woman's cooperation is to be accepted or rejected by a reference to his or her peculiar religious or non-religious, political or non-political views".
- If we also consider thoughts about them qua spectacles , then we would say that I have not succeeded in thinking about them unless I am thinking about artefacts, thinking about items that can be worn on the nose, that aid vision, that are more-or-less breakable, that did not exist a thousand years ago, that this pair existed yesterday but did not exist in 1983, and so on.
- Further, Lorca, a gifted painter and pianist, had little time for the academic qua academe .
- In certain circumstances German officers, too, were allowed to duel and membership of a good duelling club as a student was to a large degree a sine qua non for promotion in the higher German civil service.
- In this conclusion nothing is explained; all that is provided is a terminology (the distinction between the body-as-it-is-for-me or body qua sensitive; and the body-in-the-midst-of-the-world or body qua sensible) which makes it possible to state the "natural" answer unambiguously and so that it is not open to logical difficulties.
- The key to ethnomethodological and phenomenological interpretations of "doing" routine ( qua ordinary) police work, is that such interpretative processes and practices are employed in a routine ( qua taken-for-granted) manner.
- The concern with personal well-being is not, as we have said before, an individualistic alternative to practical action, but its sine qua non .
- But traditional catholic moral doctrine would oppose this on the grounds of the legitimacy of the state qua state.
- But once the difference between one's body qua sensitive and one's body qua sensible, is realised, it is seen not to be relevant.
- But it is the sine qua non of progress towards a more sensitive management of urban affairs.
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