Перевод: quark
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- At present theoretical physicists expect other new heavy particles that could decay in a similar way, such as the so called "top" quark.
- But it is only when the parent quark and radiated gluon themselves have relatively high energies that the jets from each can be clearly distinguished.
- There are 98 ways that a quark can travel between two points if it interacts three times with gluons.
- The calculations are aimed at evaluating an expression like Aa+Ba 2 + Ca 3 + where a is the probability that a quark emits a gluon, the parameter in quantum chromodynamics which experiments measure.
- Calculating the probability of the quark following this path from A to B involves integration, which is always difficult for computers.
- Some fromage frais and quark have a longer shelf life and may be kept for a week or ten days after purchase.
- Although these cheeses are very popular in Europe (it is said that the average German eats 5kg/11lb of quark a year, accounting for half their cheese intake) they may become a passing fad of the era of nouvelle cuisine in the UK.
- The third jet is evidently created when either the quark or the antiquark radiates a gluon, which in its turn creates another shower of particles.
- Although this new edition emphasises quark models, there is little on the physics of the nucleus, except for beta-decay and an old fashioned discussion of electron-nucleus scattering.
- Several of the groups working on PETRA have detected three-jet "events" in their apparatus, but now one of these groups has worked out how to tell which jets come from the quark and antiquark and which from the gluons.
- In collisions at relatively low energies of PETRA (the electron-positron accelerator at DESY) the quark and anti-quark produce two streams of particles that appear back to back in apparatus surrounding the collision point.
- In some instances the photon quickly materialises as a quark and an antiquark, which turn into showers of observable particles such as protons and pi-mesons.
- A quark starts at A and later emits a gluon.