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Перевод: quinsy speek quinsy

флегмонозная ангина [мед.] ; острый тонзиллит [мед.] ; гнойный тонзиллит [мед.]


  1. Quinsy.
  2. It was once a country remedy for rheumatism, using the fresh green tops made into a tea, and Culpeper recommended it as an excellent medicine for the quinsy to gargle it, when boiled with figs.
  3. This is called a quinsy and needs to be drained in hospital with intravenous antibiotics.
  4. leaves, fresh or dried, oil; antiseptic ad astringent, for sore throats, to treat skin troubles, ulcerated mouth, of help with quinsy and tonsillitis, as a soothing and calming drink

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