Перевод: quisling
[существительное] предатель ; квислинг
- Even the Fuehrer, not a man to rush to admit error, changed his mind about the Foerer, as Quisling styled himself, and had him sacked within a week.
- While setting up the calm surface of village life in a realistic manner, the film does so only as a contrast to the savagery that ensues: a priest is shot while making a stand against "the enemies and oppressors of mankind", the Post Office lady kills a German with an axe and is promptly bayonetted herself, and the vicar's daughter disposes of the Quisling squire, to whom she had been amorously linked.
- Quisling stands supreme as the synonym for traitor.
- By Dan van der Vat Quisling: a study in treason, by Oddvar K. Hoidal (Oxford, 48)
- It is a measure of Quisling's obstinacy that he was back as "premier" - albeit the puppet of Reichskommissar Josef Terboven - within two years, thus ensuring that he shared the guilt for the occupation war-crimes for which he was duly shot in 1945.
- The psychological black hole which is Quisling's superabundance of gravity is more than counterbalanced by the light thrown on the society which spawned him: a small country struggling in the economic and political tempests of the years between the wars.
- The biographer is absolutely right to say at the very beginning that Quisling is not at all difficult to understand.
- One of the 20 to 2,000 facts you and I didn't know about Quisling which are in this book is that he was a lifelong bigamist.
- Readers will soon discern, on page 42 if not earlier, that in the personality of Quisling they are faced with a thundering, breathtaking, unsurpassable bore: "He lacked a sense of humour to give him balance."
- The reasons are simple: Quisling, a former army officer, diplomat, and minister of defence was the first of his kind; and his bid for power, though his own idea, by coinciding with the German takeover was assumed to be part of it.
- Quisling: bigamist, hypocrite, puritan, racist A labour of loathing.
- ONE OF THE few quotable quotes attributed to Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssoen Quisling, uttered with contempt on one of the many occasions when his Norwegian countrymen rejected him, is: "Ibsen knew his people."
- One suspects that Ibsen, faced with a character like Quisling, would immediately have applied to join the Norwegian Resistance.
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