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Перевод: rabies speek rabies

бешенство; водобоязнь


  1. We will not accept any weakening of our rabies prevention safeguards.
  2. Also, seek medical help, especially outside the UK, as rabies is still a possibility."
  3. CHANNEL Tunnel security squads are ready for the rabies menace.
  4. Unfortunately, rabies has now been detected in Finland.
  5. But because the virus is "really" vaccinia, the infected animal will suffer none of the ill-effects of rabies while becoming proof against infection by any "real" rabies virus.
  6. They included familiar childhood fevers - measles, chicken pox, and mumps - and some much more dangerous conditions, including smallpox and rabies, as well as various diseases of animals, including the distemper of dogs and the foot-and-mouth disease of cattle.
  7. Norway, Sweden and Finland were, until recently, rabies free and show dogs from Scandinavia were entered in all three countries.
  8. Technically that offers no problem, as there is no border in the accepted sense between Norway, Sweden or Finland, but rabies has reached southern Finland and Norway has placed a restriction on dogs coming back.
  9. Rabies had reached southern Finland and there was an embargo on crossborder dog movements.
  10. Rampaging strays, rabies, irresponsible breeders: is anyone doing anything about our dog crisis?
  11. Chunnel cynics think the high profile of the rabies defences is meant to draw attention away from the real hazards of what's been called the longest crematorium in the world
  12. For example, it is possible to snip through the genes of the vaccinia viruses (one of which is the basis for the vaccine against smallpox) and stitch in some threads of DNA from the rabies virus.
  13. One of the oddest and most unforseeable side effects of the demolition of the Wall has been an epidemic of rabies among the city's foxes.

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