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Перевод: racialism speek racialism



  1. There is no racialism on this estate."
  2. She was moved by his address: not so much by the declaration of the reformed and Catholic nature of the Church of England, nor by his condemnation of racialism, nor by his challenge to the State to give the Church more liberty to follow its vocation in worship; but by his gratitude at the growing longing within the Church for a deeper life of prayer.
  3. It condemned racialism in the strongest language.
  4. He has a record of consistent and fierce opposition to racialism, the death penalty and, in 1981, the Government's "economically divisive" policy.
  5. During the forties and early fifties these, plus the romantic songs evoked by wartime partings, loss and refindings, found a worthy competitor in the more recent folk-songs of America, which were borne out of economic collapse (on the white hand), and subservience and racialism (on the black).
  6. Snobbery, as he knew, if subtly and intelligently interpreted, is vastly different from racialism, and one reason why Waugh was not a racialist is that he was so inveterately and intricately a snob, and devotedly believed in shadings and gradings.
  7. In sum, Waugh was conservatively anti-modern rather than right-wing, and racialism (as he rightly saw) was "rather modern" - meaning Victorian, unlicensed by traditional religion and unknown to the universal Church.
  8. Why does this inverted racialism not persecute Siamese kittens, I wonder?
  9. I need not even mention the agitation surrounding race and racialism and immigration in the unique circumstances of the last twenty years in the United Kingdom.
  10. The Nazis created a wave of Christian feeling in Europe, almost a religious revival, in antipathy to their racialism and anti-Semitism and violence and injustice.
  11. Furthermore, with the conquerors came an aggressive nationalism (and racialism) to justify their right to rule.
  12. the bourgeoisie erected an ideological barrier around those who went to prison an ideology about crime, criminals, theft, the mob, degenerates, "animals" which was in part linked with racialism
  13. Marxism and racialism are "rather modern", as Waugh would have put it, mindful that the medieval schoolmen and Renaissance Jesuits he idolised would have seen no merit in either of them.

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