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Перевод: raillery speek raillery

добродушная насмешка; добродушная шутка; подшучивание


  1. No amount of caresses or endearments (or goodhearted raillery) seemed likely to soften her.
  2. She kills it, and Mira reproaches her in a spirit of raillery for similar treatment of two admirers, Cynthio and Amintor:
  3. The raillery with which he had spoken to her in her early days at Vetch Street had changed its nature.
  4. I got an affectionate send-off from my colleagues, along with much raillery and leg-pulling.
  5. According to Nevile Wallis, talk was Minton's natural medium of expression: "One moment his sallow lantern mask was set in rigor mortis : then at a cue it became animated, and his marvellous gaiety and affectionate raillery would flow unchecked.
  6. She was greeted with raillery from her fellow workers, but Jason surprisingly wasn't around.
  7. The Duchess ignored Lord John's raillery.

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