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Перевод: ramshackle speek ramshackle

ветхий; полуразвалившийся; дряхлый; обветшавший; разваливающийся


  1. It is particularly illogical that this kind of argument should be coming from politicians who, in other contexts, would be the first to argue, and rightly, that Vietnam is not some kind of monster State, but merely a ramshackle and inefficient one that has lost its way.
  2. Some experts reckon that up to DM1 trillion will be needed to bring the ramshackle east up to western scratch.
  3. The shed itself was largely of wooden construction, and as the photograph of its pre-conversion condition indicates (Plate 15), it was in a very ramshackle state.
  4. The system was seen as bureaucratic and ramshackle.
  5. "Guyana," she lilted as one of the keys on her ring opened the topmost door on the last floor of the ramshackle old house.
  6. A year or so ago I motored for the fun of it through Latvia and Estonia, from Riga to what was then still Leningrad, and never thought to encounter such ramshackle roads again.
  7. Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army.
  8. Then the Colsons bought the estate and, with typical Victorian model behaviour, began to smarten up the ramshackle village of Linkenholt.
  9. The contras' southern front, a struggling enterprise sheltered by a reluctant Costa Rica, was even more ramshackle.
  10. The ramshackle bungalow at Butsfield, Co Durham, that so obsessed Dryden that he murdered Derwentside planning chief Harry Collinson following a lengthy planning feud, now sits in its grassy hollow with the roof off.
  11. The ramshackle Whitley Council negotiating machinery is the other reason why the ambulance workers have lost out.
  12. But patrons with deep pockets will not forever carry on subsidising an organisation seen by the local parties as so ramshackle.

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