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Перевод: rankle speek rankle

терзать; мучить; причинять боль


  1. Bob's your rankle
  2. Dearly though he loved his wife, her early morning lethargy never failed to rankle.
  3. "It would rankle, though, if it went to one of our rivals.
  4. By 1916 these were beginning to rankle sorely with the men at the front.
  5. Does it rankle and jar or do we feel at home with the sound?
  6. "Rankle, did it, Hilly?" he asked softly.
  7. But what really seems to hurt and rankle you most at the moment is the behaviour and attitude of a friend or close companion - and no doubt the Full Moon in Aries on the 14th will prove challenging and even emotionally upsetting.
  8. He had played the worst of tricks on her, making her lose all her self-respect, and it was something that would rankle in her heart for the rest of her life.
  9. Just when Tod has established our relationship with Irene on a secure footing, the kind of set-up that any sane man would kill for, with her punctual visits and affectionate phone calls, the movies we enjoy together, the fine dining, the peace and safety (the forgiveness) that her presence confers, plus the exquisitely torpid lovemaking which takes place right on the button every couple of months or so, and reaching the stage, now, where I think we can tackle her, gently but firmly, about her untidiness around the house, because it's best to get these things out in the open, not to let them rankle and fester, and so on-guess what.

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