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Перевод: rarefied



  1. Inside the denser ch'i of the living body flow more rarefied currents which circulate and activate it, moving freely as breath, less freely as blood.
  2. Many hot and calm days produce a rarefied atmosphere which though "fine for distant, is a temporary ruin to the beauty of near objects."
  3. The wording with which section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957 introduced diminished responsibility is rather unsatisfactory, but judges, counsel, doctors, and juries have approached it with a compassionate pragmatism rather than with the rarefied verbal analysis too frequently encountered in English criminal law.
  4. In a rarefied atmosphere.
  5. Since then, Rolls-Royce Motors, the new public company formed two years later from the ashes of the parent group, has successfully re-established itself in its own rarefied niche at the top of the world's luxury car market.
  6. In our society today the use of an organ is a rarefied form of museum culture, whereas guitars and synthesisers are heard and seen every day on television.
  7. I can say without embarrassment that I have been training for this for a long time, that I have learned to breathe the rarefied air , that I now know when to stand still and when to move forward , when to attack and when to retreat , when to leave a problem to resolve itself and when to go on working at it till the solution emerges.
  8. It therefore occurred to the canon lawyers - a rarefied group of experts - that Church law, framed by the Church organs and then approved by the sovereign, could achieve the canons which would bind consciences.
  9. And Des Esseintes, the aristocrat recluse in Huysmans Against Nature , who dedicates himself to the diligent pursuit of ever more rarefied and unnatural means of stimulating the senses.
  10. The fees were high and the atmosphere rarefied.
  11. She had come through her sternest test, she had proven the singing budgie brigade was woefully wrong and that she was now ready to take her career into the even more rarefied atmosphere occupied by only a tiny handful of superstars.
  12. In performance, the first two are prone to bouts of noisy, head-splitting virtuosity, and Third mercilessly shows up those who fail to integrate this volatility into music of a more obviously poetic nature, and the Fourth is one of those elusive late pieces, whose rarefied world is closed to all but the most sensitive of artists.
  13. Magdalen, which had been Oscar Wilde's college, always attracted a fair number of rarefied and aesthetic young men, and it was on to the path of this tradition that one of Lewis's first pupils, John Betjeman, happily placed his bedroom-slippered toe.

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