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Перевод: rarely speek rarely

редко; нечасто; изредка; исключительно; на редкость; необычайно


  1. Cooperation is rarely found to succeed amongst those who are unequal in material terms since it becomes difficult both to ensure an equal distribution of costs and benefits.
  2. But its insights rarely exceed the banal.
  3. But it is a self which readers of the book can only rarely have found it hard to experience.
  4. These pictures, rarely cordial, have become more and more baleful: it is as if he is holding himself back from physical assault on a reader supposed to be a trendy and a lefty, which is, indeed, what many of his readers have always been.
  5. He'd double up cruelly with a left hook (rarely seen) and razor in a right - and then he'd be gone.
  6. The answer is probably that it would rarely be so.
  7. Grandparents who moved in only at the very end of their lives, just for a few last months, rarely left much of a mark unless earlier contact had been important.
  8. It is striking that while Leapor writes amusingly, sometimes angrily, of intellectual constraints, she rarely complains of the physical rigours of domestic service.
  9. Rarely, however, was the press given a glimpse behind the facade.
  10. The top executive who is constantly looking ahead rather than backwards will rarely steer his company into a tight corner, in Laing's view.
  11. Although some protection is provided by appeal to the Mental Health Review Tribunal or nearest relative right to discharge, in practice both are rarely undertaken or successful, relative to the total sectioned.
  12. The Promenade as the holiday-maker rarely sees it!
  13. Liquids much above 30 per cent tend to be unstable, unless alcohol or urea is included, which adds to the expense so liquid products rarely exceed this level.

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