r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: ratter speek ratter

крысолов ; предатель ; изменник


  1. During their travels they appear to have developed a black variety which became extremely popular, perhaps because its natural nocturnal camouflage assisted it to become a more efficient mouser and ratter.
  2. I asked Henry Ratter if he would run a workshop for a group of Wirral secondary headteachers and senior LEA officers.
  3. My "mentor" within MOPs was Henry Ratter, CP training and development manager in the North-West.
  4. Present: D Mann, H Sluiman, B Coppins, J Main, C Will, D Chamberlain, J Ratter, C Alexander.
  5. Henry Ratter had arranged for me to attend several training courses, including the two-day "Quality in Action" workshop.
  6. Name of user: J. Ratter et al
  7. RIGHT This Norfolk Terrier may look like a "toy" dog, but like all terriers it is a first-class ratter, and was developed as a working dog on farms.
  8. Henry Ratter set up a moodified Quality in Action workshop for a group of 25 heads and LEA officers, many more than the usual number.

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