r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: reactor speek reactor

дроссель ; реактивная катушка; реактор ; стабилизатор ; атомный котел


  1. For example, after the initiating event the electrical power system might succeed in supplying the essential power needs, or it might fail; if it succeeds then the ECCS might succeed or fail; and if this fails, then the fission-product scrubbing system, which removes radioactive material that has been released into the reactor's containment building, might succeed or fail; finally if this fails then the containment, the ultimate barrier preventing fission products escaping into the environment, might succeed or fail.
  2. At 1.24am on April 26th 1986, the 14 men in the control room of reactor number four at Chernobyl witnessed the first stirrings of what was to become the worst nuclear accident in history.
  3. "There is so much anguish being caused by the plan to build another potentially dangerous reactor," she told the Inspector.
  4. Current laws forbid a company from operating a reactor even after it has been built.
  5. Severe degradation and melting of the reactor's core was regarded as something that was virtually impossible given that the plant was designed to cope with something as extreme as a guillotine break in a main coolant pipe.
  6. Certainly there is plenty in the literature about using cobalt-60 sources for sterilisation and DoE researchers found that spent reactor fuel rods did the job quite effectively..
  7. The first "fast breeder" reactor was developed in the United States in the 1950s.
  8. But such loss is hardly surprising - the samples were 200 m from the reactor core but only 50 m from a major intrusion of volcanic rocks, which have been separately dated to 750 150 million years ago.
  9. Nagy and his coworkers have shown that the bitumen did not travel very far from the heat source before solidifying, so it did not move the uraninite away from the reactor site.
  10. It was mid-January 1990 and the members of the Commons' Energy Committee were plodding towards the ever-receding horizons that contained the answer to their question: was it worth continuing to fund the fast breeder reactor (FBR)?
  11. A working group on technology, growth and employment will shortly report that, because fast reactor research is extremely expensive, there is a particular need for international collaboration in the field.
  12. Backing for it increased further after the accident at the Three Mile Island reactor in the United states in March that year.
  13. As the article correctly acknowledges, generally magnox fuel must be reprocessed within a few years of discharge from a reactor, from an advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR), fuel may be stored underwater for somewhat longer periods and for much longer in a dry store.

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