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Перевод: readily speek readily

с готовностью; легко; охотно; без труда; быстро


  1. MONIQUE JAVER readily accepted the blame for her 6-;4, 6-;1 defeat by Kimiko Date in the quarter-finals of the Suntory Japan tennis Open in Tokyo yesterday, writes Barry Martin.
  2. He is tempted to reinterpret the past in a way that makes it fit in more readily with the rendezvous at the small hotel.
  3. Such an addition could readily cause (and explain) big changes in the biological properties of the alkylated compound.
  4. User expectations are often unreasonably high; use of administrative computing systems encourages bureaucrats to believe that environmental data can just as readily be analysed and used to support decisions.
  5. The same may be said of the BMC engine but parts (service items or for disasters) are much more readily available for the LR unit.
  6. Essential oils evaporate readily and are easily damaged by light, extremes of temperature and prolonged exposure to oxygen in the air.
  7. And as inner city expertise readily becomes transformed into a supplementary expertise on Black people, within months the same company was awarded a contract by the Department of Trade and Industry to evaluate the effects of inner city policy on British Black communities.
  8. Because of public reaction against large scale afforestation, the declining amount of readily available plantable land, and other factors, the idea of the integration of agriculture and forestry is more widely promoted.
  9. Plainly, this process is facilitated if the working areas are readily accessible, well lit and well ventilated.
  10. Our billetors were obliged, wherever possible, to provide us with one bath per week; where this was not possible, facilities were available at B.P., but this interfered with transport provisions, and sometimes a request for private transport was necessary, though not readily granted, and arrangements for this were in the hands of a Mrs Wildboar-Smith.
  11. As fig. 5.8 shows, accurate choice performance developed more readily in the correlated group.
  12. Tigrett, who sold the Hard Rock chain and set up the charitable Rama Foundation, falls readily into the cranky crackpot mould: he is even married to Maureen, former wife of Ringo Starr who has been supporting his friend George Harrison's Natural Law Party.
  13. All the dredge straw is eaten avidly by cattle; the rye and wheat straw are less palatable, but are eaten more readily when put through the chaff-cutter and mixed with chopped mangolds or swedes.

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