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Перевод: realignment speek realignment

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  1. Without some historic realignment on the left, it is impossible to see any serious moves in this direction being made in the next five years.
  2. Either Germany should revalue upwards to give the rest of us some breathing room or Britain, France and Italy should combine in a joint downward realignment.
  3. This would produce the "fundamental realignment on the Left" which Paddy Ashdown has said would be the inevitable result of a fourth Labour defeat.
  4. The electoral system has been a barrier to realignment.
  5. The density or grossness of physical life being relaxed, the more subtle components become capable of realignment to the prevailing circumstances, all within the formative and integrating influence of the greater Mind.
  6. The realignment of these societies was necessarily slow, their central value-systems resistant to change.
  7. It could also prove too great a hurdle for Mr Gould, a well-known Euro-sceptic, who made clear that he would be pressing for Labour to rethink its economic policy and to advocate realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism to enable it to put forward more positive policies on industry and employment.
  8. Many of the theories may be taken as a kind of realignment of astronomical perspectives; a process of taxonomic refinement.
  9. The call for realignment comes from three distinct groups.
  10. Given the anomalous circumstances of Germany, it is clear that there needs to be some form of general realignment within the ERM.
  11. The conditions laid down were therefore designed to differentiate the National Government from the Lloyd George coalition, and to make it clear that the National Government was not intended, as the Lloyd George coalition had been, to lead to a permanent realignment of the party system.
  12. It is difficult to see how an anti-Tory majority could be built without a realignment.
  13. But what was once a breakthrough, a crucial realignment of taste among white rock fans, has subsequently congealed into orthodoxy.

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