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Перевод: reaper speek reaper

жнец ; жница ; серп ; жатка ; жатвенная машина


  1. A similar change of person takes place in The Solitary Reaper , whose song was originally heard by Mr Wilkinson (of the Spade sonnet).
  2. As I scrubbed away at my remaining teeth I reflected upon the number of obituaries of men in their early sixties which I'd read in The Times over the course of the past few weeks, and I wondered whether the Great Reaper was running a special line in the age group for some divine, mysterious end, and if so, I thought, I might be next, and then they'd be sorry.
  3. This may be done with a reaper and binder or by scythe fitted with a special cradle.
  4. In Coles's book, the poets are described in much the same terms as "The Warkton Strong Man", "The Stentorian Voiced Crier, Of Northampton", and "The Astonishing Reaper, of Great Doddington".
  5. By undertaking extravagant adventures aimed at preserving lives which have clearly been called in by the Great Reaper, doctors are not serving the best interests of their clients, which is I take it, their first duty.
  7. Nevertheless, it is obvious that by limiting himself to his own observations in a remote valley, he would soon exhaust his material: he therefore drew on Dorothy's Journals and upon other people's experiences, for example in Alice Fell, The Solitary Reaper (observed by Wilkinson who "Passed a female who was reaping alone"), and The Kitten and Falling Leaves (rough draft by Coleridge printed in Notebooks, vol. i, 1813).
  8. On his left bicep was the grim reaper with battleaxe; on his right wrist was the motto "Live Free or Fuck Off"; Where, I asked coversationally, did you get that done?
  9. Do you have what it takes to fly a bomber over dangerous enemy territory, the Grim Reaper waiting patiently with you all the way?
  10. STEVE SHIELDS - Grim Reaper
  11. (Compare Alice Fell , The Solitary Reaper , and many other poems where Wordsworth assimilates other people's experiences and tells them as if they were his own.)
  12. Unfortunately, their penchant for the invention of bizarre new ways to tempt the grim reaper has filtered down to us, the lower orders, and we now follow their example.
  13. "Mr Reaper, I have Mr God on line two," she said.

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