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Перевод: reasonable speek reasonable

разумный; благоразумный; рассудительный; резонный; обоснованный; умеренный; приемлемый; допустимый; сносный; недорогой; обладающий разумом;


  1. Present planning, however, on this side of the Channel will not provide our industrial and commerical community with a reasonable chance of exploiting new opportunites in Europe.
  2. "reasonable" cost of flowers from the claimant
  3. However, it is a fact of life that what is considered reasonable is the product of our experience and therefore varies from person to person.
  4. And, viewed objectively, the risk of death from a single punch is far too remote to enter into one's reasonable contemplation.
  5. We believe a reasonable target is for civil RD to increase from the present 1.8 per cent to 2.5 per cent of GDP.
  6. Of course, they'd like all athletes to be like Tim, but that just isn't reasonable.
  7. Whilst their presence does not prove that this is how the light/dark cycle normally adjusts the clock, it does seem to make it a very reasonable working hypothesis.
  8. Yet, despite that reasonable outlook, real investment fell by 12%, and manufacturing output by 6%, in the following year.
  9. "Most reasonable."
  10. The paper and print are reasonable but no more; there is one map and eight pages of photographs, not particularly well reproduced.
  11. It seems reasonable to assume Fedorov will collect it, despite the danger.
  12. The view of the British Medical Association is that as every patient has a right to refuse medical treatment, it is reasonable for parents to decide for babies.
  13. "A very reasonable argument, Mr. Bridges, very reasonable.

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