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Перевод: reassure speek reassure

заверять (вновь); убеждать; уверять; восстановить доверие; успокаивать; утешать


  1. Writing in the influential Police Review magazine, Mr Roach, head of policing for north-west London and a member of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said that, since the time of Sir Robert Peel, the police had always had to reassure the public that their powers and privileges would not be misused.
  2. It is intended to reassure key figures in Hong Kong that they have a "safety net" and need not emigrate elsewhere if relations with China do not improve as the 1997 handover approaches.
  3. Presumably this lining-up of grades, with equivalents in the old O level and CSE grading system, was undertaken in order to reassure people that "standards" were going to be as rigorous as before.
  4. It was a day to reassure English hearts, for not only was the sequence of defeats brought to an end but the fight was sturdily fought and morale given a welcome boost.
  5. But the law has too many loopholes to reassure nervous investors.
  6. They were afraid of us until we managed to reassure them.
  7. In an attempt to reassure them, EC Environment Commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana announced at the October session of the Parliament in Strasbourg that he hopes to announce "soon" firm plans for an EC centre for alternative testing - including an opening date.
  8. On 18 August it met with the Health Authority's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for, mainly to reassure the public that, although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times, and those for sulphate, copper, zinc and lead had also been broken, there was no long-term harm.
  9. Again, everything was done to reassure us.
  10. The Governor of Kenya, Sir Evelyn Baring, was able to reassure the settlers by saying that "Kenya can't go independent because it is a fortress colony.'
  11. I had to reassure her.
  12. "It's shortage of space," he said, to reassure Mungo.
  13. Early in September the four Thomas brothers were told to make ready for the journey home, where Ernest had to re-sit for his Teacher's Certificate, and Edward was left with scarcely a month to reassure Helen of his faithfulness and to make his final preparations before beginning his historical studies with Owen M. Edwards.

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