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Перевод: reclaim speek reclaim

исправлять; переделывать к лучшему; возражать; протестовать; восстанавливать; поднимать; проводить мелиорацию; цивилизовать; окультуривать; смягчать; требовать обратно; утилизировать; использовать; регенерировать; перевоспитывать; отзывать


  1. In 1606 the lord and his tenants co-operated to reclaim part of the moor at Cossington in the Somerset Levels.
  2. If ACET did somehow reclaim tax on the payment then you would be liable to pay income tax to the Inland Revenue on the amount of your Gift Aid payment.
  3. Vincent spoke almost enviously of the miners' darkness, and the chance it gave them to reclaim the light.
  4. Reclaim my property?
  5. In both areas the SDA created programmes designed to enhance industrial property, to help small firms and to reclaim and improve land (Gulliver, 1984).
  6. With every fresh success for the 57-year-old prime minister, it becomes that much harder for a member of Mr Takeshita's generation to reclaim the top job.
  7. The funds can reclaim tax and pay income gross, saving charities the trouble of reclaiming the tax.
  8. I lose self only to reclaim self.
  9. These could, like the venture in the West Country, reclaim sediments washed out to sea from industrial works.
  10. A second airport terminal was opened in 1990 and there are plans to reclaim more land for a third and a fourth.
  11. VAT-registered traders will be able to reclaim flat rate additions on their VAT returns as though they were input tax.
  12. In the case of Rose of Lima, who is simply a very extreme and therefore very demanding example of a more widespread phenomenon, it seems that we must at least understand, even if we do not wish to reclaim and emulate, the ideas about purity which governed her life.
  13. When the press finally has to confront masculinist music head on, it gives up any attempt to reclaim it, and tries instead to deny its allure by poking fun at it.

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