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Перевод: recommended



  1. In Vincent's day, prostitutes were - in liberal circles at least - a recommended healthy alternative to masturbation and its frightful supposed dangers - paralysis, blindness, insanity.
  2. The report recommended that clear and enforceable standards be introduced for the following: supervision requirements; maximum duty times and minimum training requirements for lifeguards; provision of safety equipment; provision of extra services within swimming pools, such as supplying of food and drink, use of diving boards, slides and flumes.
  3. To assist this process, the review group recommended that in Nato a Labour government would oppose modernisation of short-range nuclear weapons.
  4. To enable them to police such a large and inaccessible area he recommended the building of a number of new fortresses, to be linked, by road and water, for rapid reinforcement.
  5. Regular exercise helps to strengthen and thicken bones, especially the amounts and types of exercise discussed at the beginning of this chapter; and for those less agile, there are exercises recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis.
  6. However, Professor John Gunn, who chaired the working party which recommended the construction of Nina in 1960 said that the delay was inevitable because of the financial constraints at the time.
  7. It is not a good idea simply to rely on advertisements in the local paper but far better to go to someone who has been recommended to you by a friend who has been successfully treated.
  8. Last year a commission recommended a limit of one such appeal, together with extra safeguards about the quality of legal representation.
  9. The recommended salary scale for bureaux managers is pegged to local authority rates for professional staff.
  10. The black, finely grained granite stone is generally recommended but stealite and marble are agreeable, especially in the northern regions of the country.
  11. He recommended certain books.
  12. An increase of up to 20 per cent in the number of science teachers would be required to provide the extra lessons recommended for 11-;18 year olds.
  13. It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid.

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