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Перевод: recording speek recording

пишущий; записывающий; регистрирующий;
регистрация ; запись ; звукозапись ; грамзапись ; звукооператор


  1. What happens next depends on the particular model: you may find that the machine goes automatically into record mode on switch-on, or you may have to press an additional button to ready it for recording.
  2. With distinguished complete sets of these pieces from Daniel Barenboim and Livia Rev , this new recording from Chandos is up against tough competition.
  3. Earlier this year, I set my cassette recorder to tape Bach's Magnificat in D from an original recording.
  4. Despite the uningratiating recording quality, Bernstein's earlier NYPO ( Sony ) recording still casts a magnetic spell, even if certain details are pulled out of focus long the way (the DG remake hasn't quite the same sparkle and energy).
  5. This could pick up perhaps two or three selected artists chosen for their recording prowess, the others in the recording room being relegated to "accompaniment".
  6. Room echo back then was virtually unheard of in recording, although they used it in motion pictures for sound effects."
  7. Recording begins in earnest today (thursday) in Peter Gabriel's studio in Bath, and and Hackett promises an "anthemic" rendition.
  8. With mono recordings, many experiments over the decades have attempted to prove that it is impossible to tell the difference between the original and a recording.
  9. Because of the copying methods used, there seemed to us no more likelihood of this happening within the bureaux themselves than in the recording procedures originally used in the law courts.
  10. The row, about just two notes in over four hours of music, illustrates just how careful the recording industry had been to attribute correctly its big names until then.
  11. But the system is good enough for recording TV programmes for watching in the home.
  12. Years later I remember we were recording at Rockfield Studios.
  13. So, short of sending the recording tape on a long detour through the corridors of the Palace of Westminster before it goes on the air, the parliamentary censors will have to work faster than they think.

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