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Перевод: recourse speek recourse

обращение за помощью; спасительное средство; выход ; доступ ; допуск


  1. All three countries have at one time or another during the 1980s had recourse to the IMF for standby loans.
  2. In this speech, Simon has recourse to the theories of the Russian Formalist school of criticism to support many of the arguments he puts forward on behalf of the inherently political viability of a formalist aesthetic.
  3. Liz has a clerical husband, who owns a car like, a tin bath, displays an oar on his study wall, and writes notes to his more important lady parishioners with frequent recourse to the Dictionary of Quotations .
  4. Although he was a master of English prose, he showed that certain feelings could be expressed only by recourse to "the mither tingue".
  5. The extent to which subject coverage on the shelves can be achieved is a matter of library policy, funding, the amount of shelf space available, and the efficiency of interlending systems to which the authority has recourse.
  6. It involves no recourse to sophistry, and it demystifies and strips of sensationalism the termination of the use of artificial support.
  7. the potential recourse of the provider of finance is clearly limited solely to the funds generated by the asset it finances, with no right of recourse whatsoever to other assets of the entity; and
  8. That need is most frequently satisfied by recourse to a nut or three.
  9. No recourse (security or restitution) exists for a bank(s) against the oil exploration company if the project falls or generates insufficient cash.
  10. Coetzee, describing the leagues as part of a Conservative effort to get to grips with mass politics and the "new religion" of socialism, explains the timing of their appearance on the grounds that prior to the 1890s "the Conservatives had no need of recourse to such pressure groups because they already possessed access to institutions adequate for the defence of their interests within the existing sociopolitical framework".
  11. Again we should note that this increase in conceptual precision can be achieved, and is achieved in other languages, without recourse to grammatical devices of this kind.
  12. Unfortunately, today's elected rulers have sought recourse in historical myths no less perilous than those of their communist predecessors.
  13. That is the last recourse to which any politician comes.

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