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Перевод: rectal speek rectal

прямокишечный [анат.]; ректальный;


  1. Mr Reynolds is admitted to hospital because he has complained of a change in bowel habit and rectal bleeding.
  2. Indeed, Kirsner et al have reported a case of rectal stricture which reverted to normal once the symptoms had subsided.
  3. To estimate the number of inappropriately notified anal cancers we examined all 2722 records of rectal cancers in 1950, 1960, and 1970 (8% of rectal cancers 1943-;77) and found 20 cases of epidermoid histology (six in 1950 (0.8%), eight in 1960 (0.9%), and six in 1970 (0.6%); seven men and 13 women); thus we estimated that there were 244 misplaced cases of anal cancer (107 men and 137 women) in the entire period 1943-;77.
  4. Rectal dialysis bags were made from inch Visking Tubing (Medicell) with a molecular weight cut off of 12000-;14000 filled with Rheomacrodex (Pharmacia) as previously described.
  5. Mr Reynolds is admitted directly from the surgical Outpatient Clinic where his General Practitioner referred him urgently because of his history of an alteration in bowel habit, rectal bleeding and constipation.
  6. Number of cases of rectal gonorrhoea and newly diagnosed infection in homosexual men.
  7. Two patients in the non-constipated group had, during fasting, a rectal motor complex (RMC), a cluster of contractions at a rate of 7-;9/ min found only in the rectum (Fig 3).
  8. Patients evacuated their bowels before rectal dialysis.
  9. From 1986 to 1989 most rectal isolates were from women, but in 1990 and 1991 reports from men outnumbered those from women by more than 2.5 to 1.
  10. We have investigated the mechanism of the early radiation bowel reaction in vivo in humans by measuring changes in rectal dialysate values of PGE 2 , LTB 4 , and TXB 4 (the stable product of TXA 2 ).
  11. During the preparatory period a combination of purgation and rectal washouts was performed until the bowel was considered "clear" of gross faecal residue.
  13. This patient had a previous left hemi-colectomy with a transverse colon rectal anastomosis for a colonic stricture.

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