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Перевод: rectitude speek rectitude

честность ; высокая нравственность; прямота ; справедливость ; правота ; правильность


  1. Most of them led lives of exemplary moral rectitude.
  2. Mrs Beckett's enthusiasm for financial rectitude represents a considerable conversion.
  3. Until they see clear signs of a return to fiscal rectitude, they are likely to insist upon a high return on capital as the price for keeping their money in Britain.
  4. "Little Emily" grew up to become a prolific author of didactic historical fiction, in which the hand of Providence administers justice with unflinching rectitude.
  5. Throughout the show's history, for instance, Cleese was the very image of pompous, impatient rectitude.
  6. If, on the other hand, from some consciousness of immaculate rectitude, we follow Allen Ginsberg in giving Pound a kiss of forgiveness - and it is in effect what David Heymann does towards the end of The Last Rower - it is poetry that we are presuming to forgive, not the man but "the-man-as-poet".
  7. Crucial to this development was that the war, by increasing the number of taxpayers and creating a fear of inflation among the equally increased number of small savers, offered important opportunities for a party that could pose as the defender of low taxes, low public expenditure, and monetary rectitude.
  8. This mode of political religious action no longer starts out from a universal centre and figure, such as the papacy, but rather from the national or local church within the state, whose "magistrates" - Calvin's term for lay political leaders - are ideally Christians of moral rectitude, who perform this duty as one ordained by God.
  9. His manner is the epitome of Ivy League rectitude: one of Boyd's friends told me that the producer once ticked him off for breaching etiquette on opening a car door for a lady.
  10. Memorable especially are the Victorian rectitude of her mother's grandfather, a public-spirited and popular governor of Hainaut and the introverted idealism of his nephew, Octave Pirmez, still regarded as the most distinguished Belgian essayist of his time; and Remo, whose anguished pursuit of justice and truth through Germany and Greece ended with his sublime and absurd suicide listening to Tannhauser on his musical box.
  11. She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership, strong defence and financial rectitude: "If it's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe, won't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe?
  12. Queens and kings may not always be objects of moral rectitude, but their right to rule is sacramental before it is practical.
  13. Herr Nordern gave her a ghastly, feeble grin, as if asking for remission, but Frau Nordern turned a cold face away, showing only an upright back and stiff neck which in their rigidity seemed to symbolise the rectitude of all the generations of the Houses of von Bromberg and von Ritter.

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