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Перевод: recto speek recto

направо [полигр.]; справа [полигр.];
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  1. It might be worth recalling Walter Benjamin's view that there is always a verso and recto to history - each document of civilisation is at the same time a document of barbarism.
  2. Herluin, when finally he did touch, touched as if the vellum might burn him, timidly and convulsively, and even when he had the book open, for better or worse, agonized a few moments over where to choose on the page, shifting from recto to verso and back again before settling.
  3. The second part of the manuscript takes the form of two elaborate alphabets illuminated by Hoefnagel with colour borders on both recto and verso.
  4. Note that the verso always carries the even page number and the recto the odd number.
  5. Pontormo, "Head of an old man", (recto, ca. 1518-;19).
  6. On the recto (right-hand) page it says: A Book of the Sea.
  7. (Bowers notices that "The Names of the Persons" suffered a slight accident when they were moved from their original recto to the new verso position: " Demetrius
  8. To indicate the page we're on there's a number centred across the bottom of the page below the rule while on normal pages we'll have a strap indicating the title and issue date on the outside edge of each page; recto and verso headings to use the official terminology.
  9. On the left is the verso (back, reverse) of one leaf, on the right the recto (front, obverse) of another.

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