r ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw ry rz

Перевод: recurrent speek recurrent

повторяющийся; периодический; рекуррентный; возвратный; возвращающийся; рецидивный


  1. In some cases such strife has proved to be recurrent over twenty years, as in Zaire, Sudan, and Burundi and in others more or less endemic, as in Chad and Uganda and in Ethiopia in its fight to contain Eritrea.
  2. In the case of contracts creating continuing or recurrent liabilities incident to the disposition or holding of property, such as a settlement or a leasehold tenancy, the infant, on attaining full age, becomes bound unless within a reasonable time he takes steps to repudiate liability.
  3. The Development Corporation of Harlow New Town made a flat available, but unfortunately he had little opportunity to make his mark because of recurrent illness and eventually resigned his post in September 1958.
  4. No recurrent attack is ever as bad as the primary one, and the frequency, severity, and duration of subsequent attacks all tend to diminish.
  5. Nowadays, most physicians would regard this as an over-radical approach to the problem of warts but it does reflect the despair, by no means restricted to those days, felt by doctors trying to cope with recurrent genital condylomata.
  6. The major part is a recurrent grant paid by the government to the Universities Funding Council, which allocates funds to individual universities.
  7. It was, as we shall see, a recurrent problem among social democrats.
  8. Needless to say, the lesions on the skin in the recurrent phase are still infectious.
  9. Patients with brittle diabetes or recurrent staphylococcal infections are also unsuitable for infusion pumps.
  10. There is also the recurrent debate over the degree of specialization that should be incorporated in social work education.
  11. For them Fate had a cyclical, or eternally recurrent, character.
  12. However, even after excluding these infective causes and any anatomical reasons (it has been suggested, for instance, that a "pouting" urethral meatus in women can give rise to recurrent urethral symptoms, and a urethral caruncle, a tiny button of sensitive flesh at the urethral opening, can certainly cause a similar discomfort), there remain a few women for whom no predisposing factor can be elicited.
  13. He argued that, in each of Robbe-Grillet's first three novels, the narrative discourse is focalized around the consciousness of the central protagonist, so the recurrent objects (the rubber in Les Gommes , the cord in Le Voyeur , the centipede in La Jalousie ) connote some sexual or criminal obsession and the presence of an interiority.

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